Hire African American Voice Actor Hayley Armstrong VO

Hayley is an African American voice actor with a background in stage theatre. If you’re looking for African American voice actors, find out how to hire Hayley online.

PAY YOUR FREELANCERS - Hiring Info and Disclaimer

Hayley requires payment upfront for her commercial voiceover services. (new clients) If you/your company are only able to pay net 15-90, please do not contact.

Payment is required through Paypal, and Hayley will email you her Paypal link along with her first round of VO files.

Payment should be sent to her once she sends the first round of agreed upon voiceover files, and revisions post-payment don’t come at any extra cost.

Freelancers deserve to be paid once services have been rendered.

Waiting 30 days or longer for payment, when services from the freelancer are required immediately is an unreasonable practice that more clients should be open to ending.

Wishing you the best in finding suitable commercial voiceover talent if you disagree with this philosophy and decide to move on.


Please don’t ask Hayley for her personal rates. If contacting, please have your budget for voiceover services prepared based on voiceover type, length of work, and usage.

Contact Hayley with the amount you’re willing to pay for the VO work you need.

If you’re not sure how much VO services cost, see the GVAA rate guide for additional voiceover rate guidance.

Hayley is not currently accepting audiobook voiceover jobs, or audio work longer than 600 words, total. (per project) Directed sessions are also not being offered at this time.

That said, direction can be received/given through email. (Live direction on call while Hayley records is not currently available.)

Revisions and retakes are absolutely available if needed, at no extra cost once the first fixed payment has been made. (more on that below)

Hayley is not accepting voiceover jobs that go through net 7/15/30/60/90 options, or that require delayed payment.

Payment is required when partial audio is sent, through Paypal. Hayley’s paypal email or account will be sent with a partial recording of your requested script, and the full file will be sent to you, once full payment is received from you.

If these needs cannot be met, please do not contact.

Thank you!

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